Understand semiconductor functional safety requirements in the semiconductor industry with professional training courses from SGS.
The Indian semiconductor industry offers high-growth potential, with demand increasing from industries sourcing semiconductors for telecommunications and IT and the Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, as the semiconductor industry adapts to connected, autonomous, shared, electric (CASE) cars, some systems that were not covered by the Functional Safety Standard (ISO 26262) are now becoming covered by it. In addition, with the publication of the 2018 Functional Safety Standard (ISO 26262:2018 edition), trucks, buses and motorcycles will also need to comply with the requirements.
Functional Training for the Semiconductor Industry
To maintain a competitive edge in the semiconductor industry, specialist training for your workforce is vital. Our semiconductor training courses enable participants to build industry related professional skills for career enhancement, while helping your organization to improve efficiency, reduce risk and increase competitive advantage.